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Positive feedback: understand the importance Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 11 Agosto, 2021

Positive feedback: understand the importance

Giving feedback to the collaborator is extremely important for him to feel recognized and know where he is getting it right. Positive feedback is a way to value your team’s capabilities, showing that you trust and bet on them.

What stops people from working well as a team? Lencioni’s 5 challenges Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 05 Agosto, 2021

What stops people from working well as a team? Lencioni’s 5 challenges

The commitment of people and their ability to work well together are one of the biggest competitive differentials a company can have. It is difficult to copy and has an exceptional impact on the capacity for innovation, the quality of products and services, the degree of customer satisfaction and financial results. Learn how these challenges or dysfunctions manifest themselves in teams and what actions can be taken by leaders to minimize problems and enhance collective work and results.

The importance of being proactive, at work and in life Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 26 Julho, 2021

The importance of being proactive, at work and in life

Being proactive is not necessarily about making decisions without someone’s permission, being proactive is often about knowing when to ask for permission and taking risks.

How to develop a creative mindset Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 30 Junho, 2021

How to develop a creative mindset

Creativity is not an innate talent, but a skill that can be developed throughout life and that has become increasingly important to professionals in any area.

Where does resistance to change come from: thinking, feeling and acting Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 14 Junho, 2021

Where does resistance to change come from: thinking, feeling and acting

When talking about change, we need to consider a more comprehensive perspective of the human being: thinking, feeling and acting - dimensions that, day by day, merge to shape people’s response to the invitation to change. Any resistance to change can originate in any of these dimensions. And you need to understand what is preventing people from changing to take appropriate action.

Remote work: how to integrate and manage remote teams? Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 03 Mai, 2021

Remote work: how to integrate and manage remote teams?

Many managers and companies have discovered remote work in quarantine. With that, the challenges of this journey model are coming to the fore. The effects of isolation and the loss of organizational culture are some of the problems faced by those who operate with their teams in the home office.

 Gamification in the corporate environment Posted by Monique on 09 Abril, 2021

Gamification in the corporate environment

They don't make games like they used to. At least not in the corporate world.

Crime Scene Posted by Claudio Santiago on 09 Julho, 2020

Crime Scene

Are you able to uncover a missing and possible murder? Test your investigative skills with this game to do it yourself or call the guys to help. You can print at home or do it directly on the screen, it will depend on your skills. So, will you face it?

Safe Escape Posted by Lucio Mazza on 29 Junho, 2020

Safe Escape

Discover our security protocols against COVID-19 - And come and have fun, safely!

Como será o novo mundo depois que o Coronavírus passar? Posted by Monique on 11 Junho, 2020

Como será o novo mundo depois que o Coronavírus passar?

As empresas pós-pandemia serão essencialmente digitais e centradas em inteligência artificial
