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The importance of being proactive, at work and in life Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 26 Julho, 2021

The importance of being proactive, at work and in life

It’s very easy to be passive. Observe the world around you and don’t interact with it until asked. It’s easy and safe to sit in your office chair and just do what you’re asked, follow the routine, follow the topic-by-topic list.

But have you ever stopped to think what you get out of it? You can gain more minutes to touch your phone, more minutes to have a coffee and more minutes to catch the bus after work.

But what do you lose? You lose what proactives are gaining. You miss the chance to show yourself that you’re capable, you miss the chance to push the boundaries, you miss the chance to grow by the challenge, by the improvisation, by the risk.

Proactive people grow out of work. Proactive people don’t expect to receive a message, they send the message. Proactive people don’t expect an increase to travel, they save and travel. Proactive people don’t wait for a new job to get married, they put together the rags with what they can.

Leave the house. Do not wait to be invited, invite.

Go to your coworker and suggest a new action. Don’t expect someone to do it for you, go and do it.

Proactive people don’t wait for Monday for their diet, Sunday for their friends, and Friday for their girlfriend.

Proactive people take risks, innovate. They may make mistakes, but the mistake that comes from proactivity is an assumed and valued risk.

Being proactive can be difficult for those who are more withdrawn, but being proactive can be the key to getting, for example, to like a job. Often, people hate their job, even if it is in a company or area that they would like to work, because they have become involved in routine and do not dare to change.

Being proactive is not necessarily about making decisions without someone’s permission, being proactive is often about knowing when to ask for permission and taking risks.

You may feel that your life is monotonous and that nothing new happens because you don’t make anything new happen. Every Sunday night’s the same, every Monday’s the same.

You expect something to change but you don’t change your attitude. You follow, in life, the same schedule of the flow of a work and, without realizing, boycott future achievements.

Don’t boycott the professional and human you want to be anymore. Be. Start the day by raising your hand at a meeting and you’ll end up wherever you want.
