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Have you started planning for 2022? Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 13 Dezembro, 2021

Have you started planning for 2022?

5 tips for making a successful HR planning.

Yes! It’s time to think of 2022. This is a year that we really need results to compensate for the losses and imbalances left by COVID, isn’t it?

I can state, even without knowing your business and your goals, that next year people will be a critical success factor for you.

In this way, thinking about strategic planning is thinking about how to be more productive and have your employees engaged and working for you. And here comes the question: How do I make a successful HR planning?

The first tip is: Align your strategic goals with your HR goals. Want to increase sales? So you need to train your employees better. Want to increase the number of branches? So you need to streamline your career plan and train new managers. Whatever your goal is it should have a corresponding people management goal.

Tip 2: What we don’t control, we don’t improve. So create and track performance indicators for HR like absenteeism, turnover, hours of training, labor costs and whatever else makes sense for your business, so in addition to improving control it will be easier to demonstrate in numbers the results and evolution of your people management.

Tip 3: Happy people give money, always keep this in mind! Make sure people like working with you and your leaders. Constant and assertive feedback helps improve performance and organizational climate . Benefits compatible with your team’s wishes don’t always cost as much as we think and make a big difference in your retention rate.

Tip 4: Trained leaders make a difference to highly productive teams. Believe me, most employees resign from the manager, not the company! People want to feel part of the result, and that has to do with how they are treated, trained and guided and who does it directly is leader! Look at them with great affection!!!

And finally, take care of your communication, it is the olive oil of your HR success gear. The more simple, clear and objective the more security you give your employees and security has to do directly with how they behave and perform their duties, not forgetting of course that this greatly increases engagement and pride of belonging.
