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Team management: how to motivate a team Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 29 Março, 2022

Team management: how to motivate a team

A complicated task: to stay focused and motivated every day, the whole month. Even if a person loves his work and takes pleasure in performing his duties, at some point the motivation decreases. But did you know that motivation can be developed continuously when related to team management?

Organizational motivation is the connection between behaviors and reasons that stimulate employee attitudes within the company. Motivation directly influences the individual’s willingness, ambition and commitment to his or her work. The more motivated a professional is, the better his performance and productivity.

To motivate a team it is necessary to think about the needs of each team member and apply alternatives in order to get the best of each. Therefore, different motivation strategies should be used.

Researchers in the field point out that the easiest way to motivate people is by first ridding them of things that disturb them and then focusing on factors such as achievement, recognition, advancement and growth.

Other scholars also consider that it is possible to motivate people through the satisfaction of their individual needs to conquer and gain power, through integrity at work and through the motivation provided by small frequent victories.

But how to do this in a practical way? 

Continue reading and learn 8 strategies and practical tips that will help you promote motivation and better team management in your business!

Strategies for team management

Strategy 01: Creating a positive environment

The work environment has enormous influence on the mood and motivation of employees. A hostile environment leads people to have hostile attitudes. And so it also works with positive attitudes. 

Imagine how difficult it is to arrive every day in a company that the work space is disorganized, poorly cleaned, poorly lit, with various things out of place. Imagine also that in this messy physical environment, people are sad and discouraged. 

Even if the collaborator arrives in another astral, quickly the mood of the place will infect his mood. Therefore, it is very important to observe the organizational environment and climate of your company. A positive environment brings good energies. Good organization of the physical space, proper cleaning, efficient lighting and proper ventilation can bring better sensations and animation to the employees.

Strategy 02: Offer training

When a collaborator understands well all aspects of his function, he will certainly execute it assertively. When there is the opportunity to understand the work process in an improved way, with better developed knowledge and skills, surely this collaborator will make a difference in the team.

Give your employees grants to carry out their duties. Do it in a way that you can trust your collaborator’s skills and knowledge. Thus the quality of the service increases, the satisfaction with the work becomes greater and there may be a tendency of stronger commitment of the employee with the organization.

Strategy 03: Encourage employee rapprochement with the company

Have you ever thought in the sense of belonging? Have you ever wondered how fruitful that genuine feeling can be in a collaborator? By feeling that you are part of a company, a collaborator can change his position in relation to work. Many companies would like employees to act like this, but give no reason or recognition for such consideration. For a collaborator to approach the company he needs to know how important his role is there. 

In addition to actions that promote recognition, thanks for the services provided and feedback is very important that the thinking of the employee is aligned with the thinking of the company. 

The employee needs to know the company’s raison d'être, its products and services and also its long-term prospects. With these alignments, it’s much easier to feel motivated to "belong," and your business team management becomes much more fluid.

Strategy 04: Giving meaning to work

It is common for people to aspire to accomplish great things in life. It is also common to think that only with something spectacular or grandiose is it possible to achieve such a goal. We need to demystify that only great acts should be considered.

The daily and continuous work is something to be admired. Through the routine tasks and the role of each of the thousands of existing companies, changes in the world take place.

It is very important that the collaborator understands that his function has a meaning. Every function is important, worthwhile and has a purpose. With a routine of feedbacks it is possible to encourage the collaborator to understand the meaning and importance of their work.

Make your team understand that there is real progress thanks to the work that each one plays. 

Strategy 05: Alleviating the tension of the execution of activities

However important and recognized a work, the repetition of it tends to be tiring. Routine, most of the time, swallows the forces of the collaborator by causing boredom, and this can harm the management of teams as a whole

Doing something only often, beyond mental and physically tiring, is a factor that can induce a person to error. Repetition brings improvement, but also brings stress and fatigue.

For this reason, it is essential to recycle the ways to perform the work, adding challenges and exhaust valves to the routine voltage.

Think of ways to help your co-worker replenish his energies and renew his mental strength during the exercise of his duties. Breaks for relaxation, for coffee and even for a quick informal conversation relieve the tensions accumulated throughout the day and bring motivation.

Strategy 06: Recognize and reward

People need to know how much they’re admired and how important they are. As an endomarketing strategy, establish recognition and reward systems for your team.

Rewards are not just financial. What does your collaborator expect from you? Sometimes a compliment at a meeting, personal consideration in a feedback, an opportunity for growth within the company, a free award or an improvement course. 

You certainly have the power, as a leader or manager, to provide recognition and rewards for your team. Take advantage of the opportunities. 

Strategy 07: Stimulate friendly competitions

Being involved in a search for results can be motivating and fun. It is not because there are individual goals and specific activities that the work environment should be full of rivalry.

With the right stimulation and a little creativity, healthy competition within the team can be promising. Based on the union for a common goal, it is possible for the whole team to be dedicated to winning challenges.

The competition need not necessarily be for a reach a goal at work. Efforts may be for a philanthropic project, for example. A challenge of this nature teaches people how their individual commitment is important and at the same time how collective commitment delivers much greater results. 

Strategy 08: Encourage career progress in team management

The goal of all companies, or at least most of them, is to expand their business and become a benchmark in their segment. Like companies, professionals individually also aim for growth. A good manager, transforms these aspirations into an alliance.

Your business growth depends on the growth of your employees. And vice versa. The best way for a high-performance team is to seek mutual empowerment. 

With planning and observation, encourage your employees to seek career progress. A good exercise is to ask your team to list, during a group feedback or training, your professional goals and you encourage them to achieve the goals that are written.

Ready! Now you are equipped with knowledge and good tactics that will be enough to realize an excellent management of external teams.
