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Involved x Committed: what is the difference between the two concepts? Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 30 Novembro, 2021

Involved x Committed: what is the difference between the two concepts?

Two boys go out selling sweets. In a short time, they manage to pass all the production. When they are returning home, a person appears wanting to buy a candy. The first boy responds quickly that it is over. The second says he goes home to make the sweet and the delivery later. Which of these two qualities each boy fits: involved x committed?

How to differentiate commitment from commitment?

Although they are two words that seem to have the same meaning, getting involved in something does not mean that you commit to it. What do you mean? To better understand, let us return to the hypothetical situation mentioned in the introduction. No one disagrees that the two boys were involved in a job: selling candy.

And both were successful because they sold all their production. However, when they were approached by the last client, it was quite clear which one was committed to the job. For the boy who came home with the aim of producing more sweets, his service was not only to make money, but to meet customers' requests.

We come to the conclusion that the committed person goes beyond the common "milestone", while the involved one does only what is necessary to fulfill their daily tasks. We do not mean that a committed professional will always produce more than the involved one. But, surely, it will do better, with touches of creativity and enthusiasm.

Involved x committed: what are the characteristics of each?

Now we will deepen into the peculiarities of involvement and commitment. Overall, we were able to identify people involved or committed through at least three factors. Let’s see what they are.


Commitment emanates from internal sources. For example, a professional takes on a certain project because he wants to contribute to its success. At each stage completed, he feels happy and fulfilled - feelings that act as a "propelling spring" for the continuation of the work.

On the other hand, the involvement is supported by external forces. In this case, the collaborator enters a project only by obligation. In addition, it acts on demands in a limited way, because it knows that the salary is guaranteed at the end of the month. If there are no rewards and praise, the demotivation takes over this professional.

Types of commitments

There is oral, written and public commitment. The first two involve a particular confirmation that we wish to do our best in the company. The latter, on the other hand, is a public expression of this goal. In fact, the one that most highlights the commitment is the example. After all, it is not difficult to point out in the company who "wears the shirt" of the business. This subject takes us to the next topic.

Personal profile

Committed professionals have some enviable attributes. However, those involved lack these qualities. For example, those who have commitment have: empathy, focus, creativity, humility, responsibility, happiness, proactivity and need for constant learning.

How do you figure out what concept you fit into?

Of course you want to be a committed professional with the company and not just involved. However, the secret to developing this quality is to have commitment to life, whether in the personal, family or business field. The way to do this is to know where, when and how you want to reach a goal.

These responses have internal origins. Therefore, self-esteem, peace and meditation are like steps that lead to commitment. It is also important to insert techniques that help in the definition of goals, in self-knowledge and in the development of professional skills.

In addition, a careful observation of daily life can help in the identification of commitment or personal involvement. For example, a professional who always delivers services of excellence to the company, lists personal objectives, seeks to achieve them and does not give up moments with the family, surely, is in the group of those committed to life.
