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Understand the relationship between leadership and employee motivation Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 28 Setembro, 2021

Understand the relationship between leadership and employee motivation

The concept of leadership has been changing over time. For some authors, it would be directly linked to the personality traits of an individual, while for others, tied to the command style. Already a third group believes that it would be defined by the environment in which the leader is inserted.

We may think that it is the junction of all these aspects. Consequently, this makes the union between leadership and employee motivation crucial.

In this post we will talk about the role that the leader has to motivate his employees and we will also present tips to perform this task efficiently. Check it out!

The role of the leader in motivating employees

Strategy and culture are among the key points for a company’s results, impacting directly on market success. The strategy, for example, is responsible for giving more clarity and focus to decision-making, basing plans and actions that mobilize employees. It can be strengthened in different ways, such as bonuses for achieving goals, but mainly for the good performance of the leadership.

Culture is the set of behaviors based on the values of the corporation, also directly impacted by managers. Thus, we can conclude that in both aspects, the role of the leader is significant to engage employees, who are the main asset of a company!

Key secrets to combine leadership and motivation

As we said, for a leader to be able to actually motivate his collaborators, it is very important that he combine strategy and culture. Within these two aspects there is a series of actions that can be taken in order to enhance the engagement of professionals.

Today, for example, people not only want a career, but also have their work linked to a purpose. We’ll talk more about some secrets next!

Give individualized attention

Each employee has some more important needs than others. Therefore, it is essential that the leader pays attention to his team, but also looks at the employees individually.

Some professionals, for example, value recognition more and others prefer bonuses. Therefore, the leadership must observe these needs to be able to use this in favor of the organization. This means valuing skills and highlighting individual strengths to achieve corporate goals.

Provide feedback

Always prioritize feedback to motivate employees. The action of evaluating the work and behavior of employees, taking into account strengths and weaknesses, is fundamental to build more consistent feedback.

Indeed, some good practices are highly valued. Among them is to observe the daily behavior of the collaborator, always taking into account his attitudes, what he stands out and also those points where he needs to improve.

From this, it is possible to build a more appropriate assessment and offer rich feedback.

Have a good relationship with the team

Good relationship with the team is essential to ensure high performance and engage. To show that each of the employees has an important role in the development of the work contributes so that they become more involved in their daily activities.

It is up to the leader to build this harmonious relationship and encourage colleagues to have a synergy among themselves. A successful company is built with the work of several people and they need to be in tune, even to apply predefined strategies, differentiating themselves from competitors.

Delegate functions

A demotivated collaborator may also be the result of poorly distributed tasks, which do not live up to the role for which he was hired. The leader has the obligation to define the role of each professional in a project and make each one fulfill their tasks.

When delegating functions, the manager encourages professionals to learn new skills and be able to develop internally. The division of labor stimulates and shows that the organization values all the people inside, giving them their due value.

Be able to listen

Knowing how to listen is an indispensable skill, especially when it comes to leadership and motivation. The leader who seeks to develop this characteristic encourages employees to express themselves, to point out improvements, helps them to solve issues with more proactive, thus contributing to make them feel motivated and engaged.

The ability to listen also contributes to a greater exchange of knowledge and helps avoid problems, which is essential when talking about increasing motivation in the work environment. This is all because it creates a healthy relationship between team members and managers.

Stimulate employees

It is essential that the leader has enough openness to talk to his team. This will help you in different ways, among them to make employees dialogue more. Consequently, if they become more free, the leader can encourage them to give ideas that promote business growth and improve processes.

In fact, by opening this space to the collaborator, it is possible not only that they give the best of themselves, but it is also a perfect opportunity for the manager to challenge them. When challenged, the professional manages to develop better and bring more satisfactory results to the organization.

Celebrate the achievements

Recognition is very important in the motivation process and is a way for leadership to engage employees to produce more and better. Therefore, it is essential that the pre-established and attained goals be rewarded.

This can be done in different ways. The main thing is that the team can celebrate the moment - financial bonuses, time off, corporate trips, among others. Regardless of the choice, the celebration will serve to renew the energies and prepare the team for the next challenges. Thus, the chances of reaching them will be much greater.

Leadership and motivation need to go hand in hand to engage employees, as we have shown throughout the article. To motivate the professionals who work in your team, the first step is to get to know them well. From this it is possible to determine the most effective actions so that they can achieve high performance and impact business success.
