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How Gamification Revolutionizes Corporate Training Posted by Claudio Santiago on 12 Junho, 2023

How Gamification Revolutionizes Corporate Training

Engagement and motivation:

Gamification sparks employee engagement and motivation by transforming training into interactive and fun experiences. According to studies, engaged employees are 87% more likely to retain information than those who are not engaged. Through games, challenges, and rewards, gamification encourages active participation, teamwork, and the desire to overcome obstacles, increasing employee interest and motivation.

2. Experiential Learning:

Gamification offers an experiential learning approach, allowing employees to gain knowledge and skills in a hands-on, immersive way. By experiencing simulated situations, trainees can face real challenges and make decisions in a safe environment. Studies show that experiential learning increases information retention by up to 90% compared to traditional training methods. In addition, gamification allows for immediate application of learning, promoting more effective transfer of skills to the workplace.

3. Continuous Feedback and Assessment:

One of the hallmarks of gamification is constant and immediate feedback. During gamified training, employees receive instant feedback on their performance and progress. This allows for quick identification of strengths and areas for improvement, facilitating continuous development. According to research, frequent feedback increases the effectiveness of training by up to 50%. By providing constant evaluation, gamification allows employees to adjust their behavior and improve their performance more efficiently.

4. Collaboration and Teamwork:

Gamification promotes collaboration and teamwork, key elements for corporate success. Through cooperative challenges, healthy competitions and shared rewards, gamified training encourages interaction and cooperation among employees. Studies show that teamwork can improve productivity by up to 20%. By using gamification, companies can strengthen team spirit, increase communication, and encourage collaboration among their team members.


Gamification has come to revolutionize corporate training, making them more attractive, engaging and effective. Through employee engagement and motivation, experiential learning, constant feedback, and fostering collaboration, gamification offers a dynamic and efficient learning environment. Based on data and statistics, it is clear that gamification can boost knowledge retention, improve performance, and strengthen teamwork. Companies that adopt this innovative approach are at the forefront of corporate development, preparing their employees for the challenges of today's market. Be part of this revolution and experience the benefits of gamification in corporate training.