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How behavioral profiling impacts organizational climate Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 19 Outubro, 2021

How behavioral profiling impacts organizational climate

The behavioral profile impacts the organizational climate as it is a resource used by HR professionals to map the qualities and difficulties of a company’s employees. With the use of some techniques, managers can trace the profile of each professional in different situations and improve the work environment.

This is a way to potentiate the results and work the difficulties that each employee presents, in order to develop it positively.

What is organizational climate?

Of course, you’ve heard of an organizational climate. But do you know what that term means? It is how the employee perceives the company that works, demonstrating this in a set of thoughts and sensations, which are common in most of a team. These emotions can directly impact other people’s motivation, influencing their wanting to work in a particular location.

Knowing how the employee feels in the company - in the area in which it operates - is fundamental to keep the organizational culture of the space healthy. If the environment is bad, the professional will never wear the shirt of the organization and can disrupt the culture.

It is important to think that a company is formed and created by people, that is, they are human beings who make the business work. Therefore, it is essential that the organizational climate is favorable for the collaborator.

In addition to thinking about the organizational climate of the entire company, it is necessary to think that each department has its own environment. For example, most of the time, a marketing team is more spontaneous than a financial one. This is because each sector plays a type of function and can be more or less "heavy".

This mixture of sectors forms a company’s culture and impacts directly on its environment. Therefore, many have difficulties in determining the organizational climate of a place, since each person perceives the environment in a way.

The organizational climate research

Because it is directly about employee satisfaction, the organizational climate should be measured periodically. But how to do this? The research is done through questionnaires with some points to be measured:

  • structure - evaluates how the employee sees the company’s rules and procedures;

  • responsibility - measures how the professional sees his freedom to make decisions regarding his function;

  • challenge - this issue measures the risks of decisions that are taken within the role of each professional;

  • reward - evaluates how the employee realizes that he is rewarded for his efforts and dedication;

  • relationship - this is an important issue, as it shows how is the conviviality between all the professionals of the company;

  • cooperation - assesses how much employees help each other, are helpful to each other;

  • conflict - this indicator measures how the company deals with problems in general;

  • identity - assesses whether the objectives of the professional are aligned with those of the company;

  • standard - shows the perception of the employee with the demands of the organization that works.

How to improve your company’s organizational climate?

Dealing with people is not always an easy task. In fact, we can say that it is one of the most difficult. After all, everyone has a way of thinking and acting, and may or may not be compatible. And when adversity arises, it is then that we must assess the situation and think for the common good, especially within a company.

Improving the organizational climate of a site is not a simple function and does not happen overnight. This goes beyond providing leisure and rest for your employees. You need to understand what their real needs are.

One of the points that usually leave the organizational climate bad is the relationship, both between employees, as between departments and, mainly, between team and leaders.

Therefore, a good alternative to improve a company’s organizational culture is to motivate managers to be closer to their team. In addition to encouraging the good coexistence among all.

Other suggestions to improve your company’s organizational climate are:

  • ensure basic health for its employees;

  • establish viable goals with rewards that will add professional and personal value to professionals;

  • offer training to improve the qualities of its professionals;

  • invest in social programmes;

  • have flexibility with schedules, after all, if one employee stayed late one day, why not arrive a little later than the other? Or leave early when you need to?

  • Always be a leader, not a boss.

Behavioral profile impacts organizational climate

Want to optimize your company’s results? Map the behavioral profile of your employees and make a thorough analysis. This way, you will know which tasks need to improve in your management to work the points that your employees should improve.

This way, you will begin to stimulate your team in an assertive way, directing, for example, trainings and courses that have to do with your interest. Thus, productivity will increase and the results of your industry will contribute positively to the overall benefit of the company.

Another way to contribute to a good organizational climate is to improve interpersonal relationships. For example, through the behavioral profile it is possible to identify who has difficulty communicating. Thus, it is possible to create appropriate strategies for these people to express themselves better.

Issues such as career growth opportunities, quality of life, wage alignment, pay, benefits and stability are important for employees. These essential requirements for the lifetime of each professional within a company.

In addition, respect the individualities of each employee with the behavioral profile you will identify all the positive and negative points of each, respecting it will be an important step for the overall success of the company.
