Self-knowledge is a set of information about you, regarding behaviors, personal characteristics, strengths and areas of opportunity for individual improvement.
What is the importance of self-knowledge for teamwork? What we see most in organizations are behaviors that signal a great difficulty in dealing with human differences: behaviors that show irritation when divergent opinions are brought up for discussion. Rigidity in positioning, defensive and attacking behaviors, individual interests being defended and influencing collective decisions signal the difficulty of people in working as a team, becoming more critical when people fail to realize that they act in such a way, reacting to situations in a way automatic.
What do I see in other people that bothers me? What does that have to say about me? When a divergent / contradictory opinion is put into dispute, what is my reaction? What is my way of looking at the world? How do my beliefs, values, prejudices influence my perception of others and things? These are some questions that we see few people ask themselves in the organizational environment and that signal the difficulty of self-knowledge.
Self-knowledge is a set of information about you, regarding behaviors, personal characteristics, strengths and areas of opportunity for individual improvement. Behavior here understood as the result of personal characteristics (psychological type, personal values, experiences, education, etc.) interacting with the variables of the situation. Understanding, therefore, that in different situations each individual learns to react with different behaviors and attitudes, helps and strengthens the importance of self-knowledge for teamwork. Knowing the impact of actions on other team members, what helps and hinders good performance, what adds value and collaborates with other people. But how, then, can each person on the team know about the impact it has on the team itself?
Perception is the impression gained by the senses or the faculty of perceiving by the senses. This movement to capture the outside world is part of the process of what we refer to as "perception". What is captured by Organs sensory organs: smell, taste, ear, touch and vision undergo the process of internalization. To the extent that something is captured and internalized, what has been captured no longer belongs to the outside world, but to the inner world of each individual. This internalized form is influenced by this new world.
These influences are in the sense of shaping, of meaning what is brought in from outside through the association with accumulated knowledge, the lived experiences and specific psychological processes of each individual. When we refer to "lenses" and "filters" we are referring to the process of influencing the individual's inner world on what is captured from the outer world. These filters or lenses lead people to understand a given situation based on the filters themselves, in very different ways than they really can be, and even distancing themselves from other people's perceptions. Thus, they can generate distortions, pre-judgments and, finally, promote deviations in communication and possible wrong decisions.