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#EscapeCult - Sticker Albums Posted by Claudio Santiago on 15 Fevereiro, 2021

#EscapeCult - Sticker Albums

If you grew up in the 1980s and 1990s, you certainly spent a lot of money on stickers!

These albums had various themes such as cartoons, football, films and cartoons, even figurines of real animals, and they generated a lot of fun for children and also for some adults.

This fashion started between 1895 and 1910, before being known as "figurines" they were called "gift certificates", which could be exchanged for some goodies. Until then, the stickers were collected in small boxes or in the wallet itself.

It was only in 1934 that the first album was released: from bullets A Hollandeza. After that, instead of just finding a gift certificate, it was necessary to complete an entire album by a certain time to exchange for some prizes.

It became fashionable and confusing, a rarity among the stickers were, Clasel do Ar, from the album Balas Hollandeza. We heard rumors that a certain businessman had to print some copies in a hurry to prove that the stickers existed and that there would be no bad faith in the company.

Thus, in 1961, President Jânio Quadros prohibited the production of figurines associated with the distribution of gifts. Currently there are still several sticker albums, but unfortunately they are not as popular as they used to be.