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Practical Guide to People Management Posted by Claudio Santiago on 08 Setembro, 2022

Practical Guide to People Management

Plano de carreira nas empresas: entenda a importância Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 12 Julho, 2022

Plano de carreira nas empresas: entenda a importância

A segurança é um aspecto buscado pela maioria das pessoas. Seja física, financeira ou mesmo sentimental, ela é um dos maiores confortos que o ser humano anseia. Com a segurança garantida, as pessoas são capazes de se dedicarem a outros objetivos e atingirem novas metas.

5 ways to increase employee motivation Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 04 Julho, 2022

5 ways to increase employee motivation

Keeping employees motivated is a challenge, especially when employees have been in the company for some time. HR is constantly questioning itself in search of new ways to overcome accommodation and increase employee motivation.

Assertive Communication: what is the importance? Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 20 Junho, 2022

Assertive Communication: what is the importance?

Assertive communication is the ability to express ideas and feelings honestly and transparently, respecting the right of others to do the same. This characteristic is fundamental for the development of human relations, generating benefits both in the personal and professional sphere.

The 4 types of Professional Profiles within your company Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 14 Junho, 2022

The 4 types of Professional Profiles within your company

There are four basic behavioral profiles - in any person, there is one that is predominant and, with this, has great chances of determining the individual’s reactions when faced with virtually any type of situation.

What are the main challenges of people management today and how to overcome them Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 06 Junho, 2022

What are the main challenges of people management today and how to overcome them

Do you know what the main challenges of people management today are? After all, market transformations directly impact a company’s human resources and knowing these obstacles is the first step to overcome them.

7 tips to promote the feeling of belonging in employees Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 30 Mai, 2022

7 tips to promote the feeling of belonging in employees

The most important part of any corporate structure, of course, is human capital. Employees are responsible for processes and activities that make the business turn and grow. Because of this, the feeling of belonging at work is essential.

What is systemic vision? Understand the ability that every leader should promote Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 23 Mai, 2022

What is systemic vision? Understand the ability that every leader should promote

Skill will be a demand for business success and also for successful career development

How to be the head of Gen Z? Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 16 Mai, 2022

How to be the head of Gen Z?

According to the report of trends for the future of the work of the Manpowergroup consultancy, the meeting of four generations within the companies is one of the major disruptive impacts that the market will suffer in the coming years.

5 desired market skills that are developed in motherhood Posted by Nathalia Lopes on 09 Mai, 2022

5 desired market skills that are developed in motherhood

It is critical that recruiters recalculate their perspectives on motherhood and the labor market. Although subjectivity and challenges rooted in society, it is up to HR professionals to take a differentiated view of the potential that mothers have to aggregate to companies.
